You can Paypal us money at the address Our old website, to which you are currently being redirected while the new website is being created, does not have a way to pay via credit card. But we do encourage you to do so anyway! It is a bit of a pain in the buttocks, I know, but please feel free to go through all the cart motions like you were going to send a check or money order, get all the shipping info, etc.; then simply cut and paste the entire cart contents, price, etc. into an email, with your name and mailing address, and email it to us at You can then manually Paypal us the amount at, and we will mail you the items once your payment is received. A couple of extra steps right now, I know, and we apologize, but at least it is possible, if you want to purchase items via credit card/Paypal. Sorry for the inconvenience, and please bear with us during this time of transitional chaotic mess.