Thursday, January 10, 2008


One of our editors at Propaganda Press, leah angstman, just had four pages published in issue number eight of The GUT, a cool assembling zine where the artists/authors create the pages themselves, and the editors print them as-is. Shown here are the four pages, as well as the cover of the issue, shown directly to the left.

In The GUT's own words, the zine is "home to an ongoing series of interviews with anti-societal icons[;] and independent writers, artists, musicians, and publishers. [The zine] invites submissions of writing and art from guerrilla creatives worldwide. Who cares what genre it is? [They] accept random thoughts, scrap thoughts, finished thoughts."

Feel free to send them a page or two; if they like it, they will use it. Half page size. Large submissions by invite only. When our website is up and running, we will be carrying this awesome assembling zine, but until that glorious day, you can obtain a copy of this wondrous zine, with four pages of art and poetry by Propaganda Press editor leah angstman, by writing to the editors.

To submit, send your poetry, short prose, art, cartoons, or pics; to purchase, send $5 per issue or $20 for a year's subscription (6-8 issues) to:

ZACK KOPP, 65 Ogden #1, Denver CO 80218 or
ANDREW WIBLE, 11 St. Mark's Place, 2nd Floor, St. George, Staten Island, NY 10301
or email:

Best to make checks out to one of the editors until further notice of something to the contrary.