Hello again, world. This is me, one of your friendly neighborhood anonymous editors at Alternating Current, here to introduce you to our blog. We are building our website from scratch. It is currently in a sad state of repair, so we have thus created a blog as a "what's new in the world of art" and a primary source of communication while our website is taking one for the team. We are hoping it will be done shortly after X-mas. The website can be viewed at alt-current.com, eventually, but right now it will still point you to our old website while the new one is underway. The old website should suffice for the meantime in at least giving you an idea of what we do, but if you want or need more specifics, please contact us. In the next hundred posts or so, I am going to be walking you through each step we are taking with the co-op, each new product and publication we have, and each new feature we have completed on the new website. Ready, set, go!